I. Introduction (Scientific Research and the Origin of Knowledge) (1 hour)
II. Logic in Research (1 hour)
III. Research Classification and Selection of the Research Topic (2 hours)
IV. Sample Selection (2 hours)
V. Types of Variables and Measurement Scales (1 hour)
VI. Validity and Reproducibility (2 hours)
VII. Normality (1 hour)
VIII. Diagnostic Tests (2 hours)
IX. Causality (2 hours)
X. Transversal Studies (2 hours)
XI. Longitudinal Studies (4 hours)
XII. Clinical Assays (4 hours)
XIII. Ethics in Research (2 hours)

Total number of hours/class: 26 hours



I. Use of Basic Mathematical Operators: Exponentiation, Summation, Use of Parentheses, Logarithms, Inverses, Permutations and Combinations (2 hours)
II. Basic Algebraic Concepts: First and Second Order Equations (2 hours)
III. Formula Solution (2 hours)
IV. Straight Line Equation: Constituent Elements and Applications (2 hours)
V. Basic Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion and Association (2 hours)
VI. Variables: Types, Numerical and Graphical Ways of Presentation (2 hours)
VII. Probability. Basic Concepts, Union, Interaction, Exclusion, Dependence (2 hours)
VIII. Probability Distributions (4 hours)
IX. Statistical Inference: Confidence Intervals and Tests of Hypotheses (2 hours)

Total Number of Hours/Classes: 20 hours


Bibliographical References
1. Feinstein A.R. Clinical Epidemiology. Saunders 1985.
2. Pak C.Y.C, Adams P.M. Techniques of patient oriented research. Raven Press. 1994
3. Gordis Leon. Epidemiology. Saunders. 1996
4. Glantz S.A. Primer of Biostatistics. McGraw Hill 1997
5. Daly L.E., Bourke G.J. Interpretation and uses of medical statistics. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1991
6. Dawson-Saunder B., Trapp R.G. Basic and clinical biostatistics. Appleton and Lange 1994
7. Hulley S.B., Cummings S.R. Diseño de la Investigación Clínica, un enfoque epidemiológico. Edit. Doyna, Barcelona Spain. 1993.



Center Unit: Dr. Adolfo Chávez Negrete (Methodology)
Dr. Miguel Ángel Villasís Keever (Biostatistics)

National Pediatrics Institute: Dr. Pedro Gutiérrez Castrellón (Methodology)
Dr. Pedro Gutiérrez Castrellón (Biostatistics)

Salvador Zubirán National Medical Sciences and Nutrition Institution: Dr. José Francisco Téllez Centeno (Methodology)
Dr. Jorge Pedroza Granados (Biostatistics)


Siglo XXI National Medical Center. 22 students from this center

Salvador Zubirán National Medical Sciences and Nutrition Institute.
16 students from this center and
3 from the "Ramón de la Fuente" National Psychiatric Institute

National Pediatrics Institute. 6 students from this center
5 students from the National Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute
4 students from the National Perinatology Institute
2 students from the National Cardiology Institute
2 students from the Clinical Dental Sciences Field

This Preparatory course will begin on 5 August and will be held in the afternoons. Work will be done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 15.00 to 17.00 in the centers approved for the preparatory course.