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Interesting Photos

Pathologic section of a human brain with multiple cysticerci obtained during the 1970’s before imaging diagnosis and cestocidal treatment were available, in which case probably the patient could have survived
Note those cysticerci in the tongue!!!
Taenia solium cysticerci are able to evaginate in the human eye and also in the brain, seemingly where there is no host tissue surrounding them
Multiple subcutaneous cysticerci were detected in a Mexican patient with clinical symptoms of neurocysticercosis. A biopsy was performed to excise one cysticercus for pathological studies
The tongue of a pig with multiple cysticerci shows some of them complete, but others were cut by the knife, therefore the scolices look like white dots but vesicular fluids disappeared
Pork brain with several fluid filled vesicular cysticerci
Whole Taenia solium eggs seen by light and scanning electron microscopy. Two hooks are marked by arrows in a broken egg

Pigs acquire cysticercosis because they have direct access to human feces in rural toilets
